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Meet The Team

We do believe in empowering our people with the requisite skills for our assignments and therefore commit ourselves to continuous human capital development as well as associating with the best in the market. We do associate with various competent consultants on a needs basis.

Mr. Grace Stuart Ndyareeba

Mr. Grace Stuart Ndyareeba

Managing Director GN Associates (U) Ltd

The Managing Director is former Central Bank (Bank of Uganda)Deputy Director of Commercial banking. While the Executive Associate and financial sector lead consultant is former Executive Director Supervision Bank of Uganda. Other profiles of consultants or associate consultants are detailed on specific proposals for work depending on the competencies required for each job.

Mrs. Justine Nuwagaba Bagyenda

Mrs. Justine Nuwagaba Bagyenda

Executive Associate and Lead Financial Sector Consultant at GN Associates (U) Ltd.

Before joining GN Associates (U) Ltd, she worked at Bank of Uganda for 35.4 years, 13 of which she was an Executive Director in charge of the Directorate of Supervision until she retired from the services of the Bank in July 2018.

Mr. David Mushabe

Mr. David Mushabe

Associate Director & ICT Lead Consultant

Having co-founded a number of successful companies with operations and partnerships with all telecom companies across Eastern Africa, David has necessary knowledge, business development and entrepreneur skills critical to the success of the Company operations.

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